Cape George Colony Club

Study Session Agenda & Information Packet -May 20,2024



Click here to view the information packet for this meeting


A. Call to Order -- President's Comments and Announcements -- Betsy Coddington


B.  Letters from Members -- Marnie Levy. Maria Muma request for rule exception 


C.  Manager's Comments and report -- Marnie Levy. 


D.  Board items for Discussion and possible inclusion on the Agenda for Thursday's Board Meeting. Four possible actions: 1) Place on Board Meeting Agenda as action item; 2) Place on Board meeting Agenda as an information item; 3) Move item to next month's Study Se3ssion Agenda; 4) No action or further discussion required. 


1.  Request for Board to consider an exception or change to the Marina rule regarding boat beam limit – Mike Heckinger (In Mike’s absence Betsy will introduce the request.) See attached.


2.  Request to establish an ad hoc committee to work with Cape George management to examine and present options for the future of the Red Barn. – Marnie Levy.


3.  Strategic Planning Committee – Betsy Coddington. See attached.

  • Proposal of strategic plan for the currently leased Firehouse. The 50-year lease expires on July 16, 2025.
  • Draft of a revised Emergency Preparedness Committee Charter


4.  Finance Committee Membership Proposals – Nancy Charpentier. See attached.

  • The Finance Committee would like to appoint Mark Costanti and Michael Volkman as members of the Committee.
  • Proposed Finance Committee Charter Revision.


5.  Social Club requests a change in protocol to make donations of items and services made to Cape George Colony Club – Betsy Coddington.


6.  Pool Committee Rule Revisions: Request for Board approval – Ray Pierson. See attached.


7.  Environmental Committee concerns and recommendations regarding fire hazards in Cape George Colony Club – Pat Gulick


8.  Two maintenance positions are open. Seasonal employee and A Maintenance Caretaker  Assistant. General manager: 360.385.2208 / – Marnie Levy


9.  2024-2025 Insurance Renewal Proposals: Current insurance expires on June 19, 2024 –      Marnie Levy.


10.  Assessment and Fees: Please pay by auto-payment or mail check to Community   Financials – Marnie Levy


E. Member Participation


F. Open Board Discussion


G. Announcements


  • Thursday, May 23, 3 p.m., Board of Trustees Meeting, in the Clubhouse and by Zoom meeting.
  • Friday, May 24, 5 p.m. Pool Committee Fundraiser Barbecue, in the picnic area.
  • Monday, May 27, Memorial Day Barbecue, 5:30 p.m. Meet & Greet, Grills Ready at 6 p.m., in the picnic area. Thank you, Social Committee!
  • Thursday, May 30, ballots will be mailed.
  • Wednesday, June 5, 12 – 4 p.m., Jefferson County Fire Prevention and Safety, at the Clubhouse.
  • Monday, June 10 – Saturday, June 15, GRANNY’S ATTIC!
  • Monday, June 17 – Saturday, June 22, MARINA SALE!
  • Monday, June 24, Board of Trustees Study Session, in the clubhouse and by Zoom meeting.
  • Thursday, June 27, Board of Trustees Meeting, at the clubhouse and Zoom meeting.


H. Adjournment