Cape George Colony Club

Board Meeting & Information Packet -August 22,2024



Click here to view the information packet for this meeting


Cape George Colony Club
FRIDAY, August 30, 2024, 2:00 p.m.
Via  Zoom




A.    Call to Order – President – Betsy Coddington

If a motion is made by a board member, and that motion is seconded, board discussion will follow. Members will have the opportunity to comment following the initial board discussion.  We encourage and wish to promote member participation with the following stipulations: Each member may speak once on any given topic until every member that wishes to speak has done so.  Each member may have one rebuttal with a 2-minute time limit on the same topic.  If another topic is raised the same procedure will follow.  

1.  a. Table Saw Proposal. 

Proposal to purchase a Saw Stop table saw to replace an older, potentially unsafe for the Workshop. This is being brought to a special meeting because there is a potential safety issue using the old saw. And there is a discount included with the current quote. 
Request that Cape George approve the purchase of the table saw which will become the property, under warranty to Cape George Colony Club. Please see:

•    Attached quote from Edensaw Woods, Ltd. 
•    Discussion of the Saw Stop from Workshop Committee Chair Mike LaPointe. 

b. Action.

2. a.  A member’s request to remove late fees.

Member account history was sent to the Board of Trustees only for review. 
Member spoke with manager and stated that she did not receive an invoice for the first assessment she owed, and she did not understand that assessments were paid independently from her home loan payment.

b. Action.

3. Adjournment